Author: ledwatcher


Are LED Lights a Fire Hazard?

Are LED lights a fire hazard? Are they as dangerous as incandescent or fluorescent light bulbs? With an average of over 50,000 electrical house fires in the US per year according to the Electrical...


Can You Use a Higher or Lower Watt Bulb?

Getting the wrong wattage bulb is always annoying as it means that you’ll either have to go get another one or you’ll have to try using that one anyway. Is the latter that much...


Tips to Repair a Broken Solar Panel

Solar panels are getting more and more effective at generating energy for your household but, like any other piece of technology, they are not impervious to damage. And given that a single solar panel...


Fixing a Lava Lamp That’s Not Working

Is your lava lamp not working? These fascinating devices can bring ambiance to most rooms but they also need to be operated and maintained properly as there are quite a few reasons that can...


How to Reset a Motion Sensor Light?

Motion sensor lights are a key component of a good home security system but they can also be a very annoying one too. Their sensitivity settings are sometimes hard to pinpoint, their range is...


How to Fix a Lamp Shade?

Figuring out how to fix a lamp shade can be time-consuming but it’s generally worth it as getting a new lamp shade can be even more of an effort- and time-drain. Plus, it’s a...


How to Fix a Touch Lamp?

Touch lamps are one of those items that feel awesome to use but puzzling to fix. And they do often need to be disassembled to get fixed which is an annoyance other lighting fixtures...


How to Keep Bugs Away From Lights?

Installing porch or lawn lights is one of the best ways to beautify your home and property. It’s both effective and cost-effective, it makes walking around at night much easier, and it even increases...